An Edgy Peak District Walk

Hello and welcome back to my blog 😊.

Todays 9.5 mile walk began in Baslow. As per usual, myself and Angela did an early start to avoid the crowds but we were delayed by being stuck behind a refuse lorry collecting bins on the busy A6🤣 .

Arriving in the car park at Baslow I had lost all signal on my phone and guess what, it was not a cash payment car park but a pay by phone – very handy when its in an area with poor mobile reception. We parked on the road instead!

Our walk today would visit the southern gritstone edges of Baslow, Curbar and Froggatt then climb to the overlying escarpment of White Edge before heading back to Baslow.

Climbing out of Baslow we got some lovely views.

In the distance we could see Chatsworth House which is where myself and Angela went on our first date many years ago 😊.

On another hillside we could see ‘E : R’ clearly marked in the bushes.

It was quite breezy and it was a cool 12 deg C. We would have liked it a little warmer but at least there was no rain!

Heading towards Curbar Edge
The start of Curbar Edge

We kept on meeting small groups of youngsters who were doing Duke of Edinburgh Award walks – I think this is a good thing and its nice to see them out enjoying the outdoors. We followed the stony path across Curbar Edge and then on to Froggatt Edge where we saw that it was a popular rock climbing spot.

Exploring Curbar Edge
View from Curbar Edge

At Frogatt Edge we stopped for a cuppa and a butty enjoying the panorama views.

Angela enjoying the scenery
Some rocks on Frogatt Edge

Leaving Frogatt Edge we headed down to Hay Wood passing many climbers, complete with ropes, walking in the opposite direction to climb from the top. After the woods we crossed fields passing the Grouse Inn and headed up towards White Edge.

Angela heading up to White Edge
The escarpment of White Edge on the left

Reaching the top of White Edge we followed the rocky path enjoying the views and the quiet. A few hardy runners passed us.

On White Edge

It was a long walk along the escarpment and towards the end we saw a Trig Point and decided we must visit it – are we becoming trig Point baggers ? I wonder 😊

Making our way back to Baslow Edge we visited a monument to the Duke of Wellington – its a celebration of his victory at the battle of Waterloo in 1815. Built by a local man who felt it necessary to counterbalance the memorial dedicated to Admiral Nelson on nearby Birchen Edge.

Duke of Wellington Monument

It was an easy downhill walk back into Baslow and the car. We had enjoyed our walk – it had splendid views.

Happy Walking! 😊🚶‍♂️

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