Fairholmes to Alport Castles Circular Walk: Scenic Hike in Peak District

Hello and welcome back to my blog 😊.

It was an early start this morning as myself and Angela headed to The Peak District to enjoy a 9.6 mile circular walk from Fairholmes car park (by the Derwent Dam) to Alport Castles (a remarkable landslip feature).

On the way the rain was tippling down, and driving through Snake Pass, visibility was reduced because the clag was in. We both looked at each other wondering what we had let ourselves in for. Angela put the car fog lamps on!

Having parked, and paid £6 for a parking ticket, we set off walking beside Ladybower Reservoir.

Beside Ladybower reservoir
Ladybower reservoir

Because it was early there were very few people about. Leaving the reservoir we followed an ancient bridleway that led up through forest to high, open pastures on a broad ridge.

We could hear, and then see, a curlew calling with its distinctive song as he flew around us. We could see the distinctive Mam Tor ridge in the distance and later Hope valley with the cement factory chimney billowing steam.

The Great ridge and Mam Tor in the distance – mist rising from the forest.
Hope valley in the distance

The rain had stopped and we were getting glimpses of blue sky. Things were looking up but there was a cool stiff breeze on top so we were not feeling warm – Angela put on her gloves.

After climbing we crossed wet bog-land. Large stone slabs had been laid across the bog and quite a few had sunk – not unexpected!

Walking across the bog

Before long we reached a lovely viewpoint above the quarry-like, craggy landscape of the landslip known as Alport Castles. Some of the topological features within this landslip bear some resemblance to castle ruins.

Alport castles
Alport castles
Great view at Alport castles

It was very blustery at Alport castles as Angela’s hair can testify!

From this airy spot above the deep, narrow valley of Alport we descended steeply passing Duke of Edinburgh student’s doing their gold award.

We passed a lone tree that just begged for a photo to be taken. We were headed to Alport farm.

Alport farm in the distance.

Just before the farm we crossed a solid wooden bridge over a stream.

It was nice in the valley, the sun was generating heat and there was little wind. We walked along the valley bottom on a good path and crossed over the river Ashop at Rowlee Bridge.

Crossing the river Ashop

Our path now took us across the A57 and along a short section of Roman road before re-crossing the river and road ( this was to avoid walking on the very busy A57).

On the Roman road.

The route then led us uphill to Lockerbrook and then downhill through the forest along a muddy path (in places) to Fairholmes car park.

Arriving into the car park it was full with cars circling like vultures above prey, looking for cars that are leaving. Car parking in the Peak District is an issue because once the car parks are full people have a tendency to park anywhere and stupidly.

We had enjoyed the walk. It was new territory. Driving back to Manchester the heavens opened and the roads were awash with water. We both felt very lucky to have had dry few hours for the majority of our walk.

Happy Walking! 😊🚶‍♂️

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