Discovering Dunham Massey: National Trust Gem Near Manchester

Hello and welcome back to my blog 😊.

After a few days of yet more rain (when will we get a more settled period of weather I ask myself??) today is a rare dry day. Unfortunately, although we would have liked to have had a trip to the Peak District, morning commitments meant we had to stay put and so in the afternoon we decided to visit Dunham Massey – a local National Trust property close to Manchester that we regularly visit-for a 5 mile walk.

We were hopeful that the park would be relatively quiet because Manchester United and Manchester City were playing in the FA Cup final at Wembley ( United won 2-1). It turned out that the park was quiet so that was a good call.

A quiet pathway in Dunham Park
Entrance into the stable block

Myself and Angela had a walk around the park footpaths, looked at some deer and enjoyed the sun on our faces. It makes a world of difference having nice weather.

Angela suggested a walk around the gardens so we did that and admired all the wonderful shrubs and plants growing there.

The old Orangery
The house viewed from the garden

‘Do you fancy a coffee?’ asked Angela. Most certainly, so we visited the café and relaxed outside with our coffees watching the world go by.

After coffee, a visit to the second hand books section was productive with myself buying three interesting books. I find that I am always lucky with finding good books here.

I have 2 peak District walks planned and I am hoping that the opportunity to do these will arise this week. The first is Alport Castles and the second Cubar Edge / Froggatt Edge. Fingers crossed for relatively dry days.

Happy Walking! 😊🚶‍♂️

2 responses to “Discovering Dunham Massey: National Trust Gem Near Manchester”

  1. Lovely place for a walk. We went yesterday and the weather was perfect as well. Plenty of deers out 🙂 apparently they had nice open oven pizza place but we couldn’t find it. A nice alternative to the cafe 🙂


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