A short walk to the Humber estuary along the Market Weighton canal.

Hello and welcome back to my blog 😊.

Overnight we had rain and wind which lasted until 10.00 this morning. The sun then came out and so, off we set. Angela drove us to Newport which was where we parked the car.

Our objective was to walk along the Market Weighton Canal Trail https://www.mwct.org.uk/to see the Weighton Lock which controls access into the Humber close to the confluence of the Ouse and the Trent.

Humber Keel barge at Newport
View of the canal from the bridge in Newport
The sign points the way.

The canal was constructed mainly for land drainage with transportation as a secondary consideration. The clay dug out of the canal was used for brick manufacturing and at one point there were 22 brick yards served by the canal.

We walked along the trail which ran close to the canal.

We encountered a wet section of the walk where water draining off the land was flowing into the canal.

Angela trying to find a less wet route

We passed through a tunnel carrying the railway over the canal.

How about that for timing!
View from a bridge

Shortly, we arrived at the lock.

The lock into the Humber

The lock was built in 1773. It is a substantial stone structure built on a timber raft which rests on a bed of rushes. The water level in the canal is maintained below mean sea level.

The gates into the Humber.
The gates into the Humber
The Humber
Admiring the Engineering

We stopped for a while at the lock sitting on a bench and enjoying a coffee before setting off to return to Newport. The wet section that we met on the way to the lock was even wetter on the return leg and could have done with a bridge over it as there are in other parts of the canal.

A stream across the path

Poor Angela whose boots were not waterproof had to find a way around.

Angela trying to find a path through

Thankfully, Angela managed to maintain dry boots and before long we were back in Newport at the car. We were pleased to have seen a piece of history and that it had remained dry for us on today’s walk.

Happy Walking! 😊🚶‍♂️

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