Newbald Wold – a 6 mile circular walk.

Hello and welcome back to my blog 😊.

Todays walk was found in the Ordnance Survey book ‘Vale of York and Yorkshire Wolds -outstanding circular walks’. It would take me through Newbald Wold, give me views of the Vale of York and a glimpse into Swin Dale.

The day was sunny but chilly with a biting wind when I arrived in North Newbald and parked close to the village green.

The village green

I set off passing the Norman church of St Nicholas which was described by Pevsner as the ‘most complete Norman church in the East Riding’.

The church of St Nicholas

The village hall looked impressive as I walked past.

The village Hall

I found my way out of the village (which can sometimes be troublesome) and headed up a tarmac road with views back to Newbald.

The road out of Newbald

Reaching the crest of the hill I headed along the side of a field by a path which eventually headed downhill. There were a few village dog walkers about enjoying the sun but not the wind!

I walked into the wold along the dry valley bottom.

Arriving into the Wold.

This particular Wold is not as spectacular as other ones I know e.g Thixendale, but as I wandered along I became lost in my thoughts. I am in the habit now of using the voice memo app on my phone to capture inspirational thoughts because they have a habit of disappearing quite quickly!

I noticed large wind turbines in the distance and it wasn’t long before I was passing close to them. I hadn’t realised quite how noisy they are – before I got close I thought the noise was from a plane overhead.

Noisy wind turbine

Leaving the Wold I walked up an incline to join The Yorkshire Wolds Way.

Heading to join The Yorkshire Wolds Way

On the Wolds Way I walked by some more wind turbines – its an ideal place for them because it is very windy here. There were views across the Vale of York in the distance.

More wind turbines

The Wolds way took me on a path steadily upwards to reach the high point marked by a trig point which has been adopted by a local walking group.

A little further there was a bench which I made use of for a cuppa. it had a lovely view, so I sat in the sun enjoying the moment.

The Wolds Way continued downhill.

On the Yorkshire Wolds Way

After a while I entered Swin Dale. A freshly ploughed field lay to my right which I crossed ( it was dry!) and entered the woods. The path rose through the woods to another field.

Swin Dale
Heading across the field to the woods
Up through the woods I go

After crossing the field I reached a road which took me back to the village.

Heading back to Newbald.

It had been a lovely little walk – plenty of undulation to make things interesting.

Happy Walking! 😊🚶‍♂️

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