A 9 mile circular walk from Fulbeck.

Hello and welcome back to my blog 😊.

This morning myself and Mick did a 9 mile circular walk from the Lincolnshire village of Fulbeck to Caythorpe and back.

We parked in the Sports Club car park, opposite the church, on a chilly morning.

Village sign

We set off through the village and soon we found a lane that led away from the village.

walking away from Fulbeck

There were lots of noisy small birds flying in and out of the hedgerows. Eventually the lane gave way to fields that were very boggy after the heavy rain overnight. Squelch, squelch, squelch we made our way across the fields.

‘Look over there!’ Mick said pointing to two Roe deer crossing the field. They looked at us nonchalantly and then bounded off.

Wet field

Leaving the fields we reached a road and headed up the hill that brought us towards Caythorpe village.

Nearly at the top of the hill leading to Caythorpe.

On the outskirts of Caythorpe we stopped for a cuppa on a welcome bench by the cemetery.

Walking through Caythorpe we saw some nice murals on a house.

Deer in the mural
Paddington bear parachuting into Caythorpe

Having passed through Caythorpe we headed up a lane passing a farm. Mick spotted some new born lambs in a shed – they were a joy to see.

Little Lambs

Further along the lane we could see how wet the fields were.

very wet field

On our way back to Fulbeck now, we had an uphill section to walk.

Turn right past the trees

Passing a grand house we walked past three large ponds.

Agricultural ponds

On the way past the ponds Mick spotted 3 more Roe deer. They took to their heels and bounded away, white tails twitching.

We were close to Fulbeck now and soon we were walking through the village to pick up the car. It was a cracking walk and good that it had some ‘up’ sections. It was particularly nice to see the lambs.

Happy Walking! 😊

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