Planned Peak District walk was cancelled šŸ˜’

Last night we were still planning to walk to Lords Seat from Edale. There were thunderstorms and heavy rain forecast but not until 11:00 by which time we would have been finished or thereabouts. When we checked the weather forecast this morning it had changed and it forecast heavy rain at 09:00. Reluctantly we decided not to go to the Peak District but do a local walk instead. Heavy rain was forecast here also but as it turned out that didn’t materialise which makes me think that we would probably have been ok doing our planned walk. Why is it that weather forecasting seems to be almost impossible these days?? Climate change?

Instead we did a lovely 9 mile walk at Dunham Massey which included part of the Bridgewater canal.

Sun rising over the Bridgewater canal

The sun was still low in the sky as we set off along the canal. We saw a heron who was looking for fish in the canal.

The Heron and Swans

After leaving the canal we entered the National Trusts Dunham Massey estate and because it was early the park was quiet.

On the path to Dunham Massey

The moisture was hanging on to the multitudes of cobwebs in the grassy verges and looked spectacular.

We passed the old mill.

The old Mill at Dunham

Parts of the park were looking autumnal.

Along one of the paths we saw a leaf hanging in mid air – it had caught on a cobweb strand. It was one of those sights where you do a double take because it looked odd šŸ˜Š.

Walking through Dunham village I couldn’t resist taking a photo of their village hall.

It was a good walk but our planned walk would have been better.

Happy Walking!

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