A circular 9.7 mile walk from Gunthorpe.

This morning myself and Mick went walking and did the Gunthorpe circular walk. The weather was good to start then we had some unexpected heavy showers along the way – ‘Quick get your rain coats out!’

There was an amusing sign for dog’s along the banks of the river Trent.

We had to do a detour around a group of cows that were blocking a gate 😊

Quite a number of fields along the walk had Corn growing – the size of the plants is impressive.

I seem to be collecting photographs of village halls – here is the one from Caythorpe that we passed through on the walk. I think you can tell alot about a village from its Village hall.

Despite the odd shower it was a great walk. We are looking for good weather next week to get a walk in the Peak District.

Happy Walking!

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